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Founded in Bonn, Germany in 1990 T-Mobile has grown to include customers in the UK and US as well as Europe. They have approximately 150 million subscribers worldwide making them the third largest multinational telecommunications company.
tmobile online application for jobs

The company started out as a radiotelephone systems company that was operated by Deutsche Bundespost, a state postal monopoly.

When West Germany reorganized the Deutsche Bundespost in 1989 they consolidated the telecommunications units into Deutsche Bundespost Telekom. This then became DeTeMobil, a subsidiary of the Telekom, with a specific focus on wireless service. It wasn’t until the mid 1990s that DeTeMobil became T-Mobile.

T-Mobil prides itself on their customer service, their stores especially. They view their retail locations as a place where they can really connect with their customers.

To work in one of their retail locations then you must be able to be personal and attentive with each customer but able to work at a fast pace.

People don’t have time to sit and wait for you to finish what you’re doing. You have to be able to help a customer and acknowledge that another customer has walked in the store at the same time. You have to be able to work well with a team and be a leader.

If you like helping people but don’t live near one of their stores, then you might live near one of their call centers. A customer service representative has to deal with a lot of different kinds of people throughout the day all while giving polite, respectful and helpful service.

Don’t worry about it being a dead end job either, the best customer service reps are promoted to coach, supervisor and even to senior management. There are lots of room to grow and expand your career.

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T-Moblie Wireless jobs & T-Moblie careers- Click here

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