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What’s the number sub chain in the world? You guessed it. Subway Sandwiches. If you’ve ever been on the run and wanted to eat fast food, but wanted something healthy instead of burgers, chances are you’ve eaten at Subway.

Fred De Luca borrowed $1,000 from family friend Peter Buck to start his first sandwich shop in 1965, when he was only 17 years old. He was trying to raise money to pay for college.

He chose a mediocre location for his shop, but by noon on the first day of the opening, customers were pouring in.

On the radio advertisement they had promoted the name as “Pete’s Submarines”, which sounded like Pizza Marines, so they changed the name to “Pete’s Subway”; eventually it was shortened to “Subway“, as it is known to this day.Their next closest competitor is Quiznos.

Aplicacion para trabajar en SUBWAY

Subway’s emphasis on healthy sandwiches has garnered them much fame. Their most famous customer, who became their commercial spokesman, Jared Fogle, born December 1, 1977, lost over 240 pounds on the subway diet, the first 100 in just three months. He mainly thanks them for his extreme weight loss, appearing in a number of their television advertisements.

Today, Subway has over 44,000 restaurants around the world and have become the leading choice for people seeking quick nutritious meals that the whole family can enjoy.

In joining SUBWAY® restaurants, you will be part of a winning team. You play and important role in helping other to live a long, healthy life by making informed nutritional decisions. What does it mean to be a member of the winning SUBWAY® restaurant team?

subway online application for jobs

They are always looking for great people to join their enthusiastic team. At SUBWAY® restaurants you will find a very diverse working group. High School jobs, or College students jobs, Single Mom jobs, Senior Citizens jobs, Part-time or Full-time employees. SUBWAY® restaurants is a great place to work.

There is always room for growth at SUBWAY® restaurants, turning what may start out as a part-time job into a career choice you can move from Sandwich Artist to Shift Manager, Manager, and General Manager.

Subway Application Online

Subway jobs & careers- click here

Subway Printable Application

If you would like to fill out a standard SUBWAY job application and walk into your local SUBWAY restaurant and hand it in, directly to the manager, you can

>> Download a printable SUBWAY part time job application here (right click and “save as”)

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